Layar Putih

free blogger template with image slideshow feature

demo free blogger template Layar Putih with image slideshow feature

download free blogger template Layar Putih with image slideshow feature

Template Info :

Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Name Template Layar Putih
Template AuthorIreng Ajah
URL Author /
Description Layar Putih template is 2 column blogger template with automatic image slideshow feature on top post body. You can set 3 images on slider for you favourite or recommended posts.
Setting Template

Setting Infinite Carousel Layar Putih Template

Go to Layout > Page Element > Click Edit Features widget and copy paste these code below :

<div id='carousel_container'>

Copy and paste this code below for your image slideshow structure

<li><a href='YOUR-LINK-HERE'><img width="300" height="280" src="IMAGE-LINK-HERE" /></a></li>

Change YOUR-LINK-HERE with your link and IMAGE-LINK-HERE with image link.

Blue color is width and height image. Do not change

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