Ornament Putih

free Ornament putih blogger template with 3 column template and 3 column footer blogger template

demo free Ornament putih blogger template with 3 column template and 3 column footer blogger template

download free Ornament putih blogger template with 3 column template and 3 column footer blogger template

Free Blogger Template Ornament Putih :

Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Name Template Ornament Putih
Designer & Author Ireng Ajah
URL Author DheTemplate.com / http://www.theme2blog.com/
Description Free Ornament Putih Blogger Template is a great design and clean blogger template. This template is 3 column blogger template for main post and 2 right sidebar also 3 column footer

Setting Blogger Template Ornament Putih

1. Setting Subcribe Email, RSS Feed, Facebook, & Twitter

Go to Design > Edit HTML and find this code below :

<div class='social'>


2. Setting Author

free blogger template ornament putih
Go to Design > Edit HTML. Click Expand Widget Templates and find this code below

<div class='mypic'>

<a href='http://www.dhetemplate.com/'><img alt='demo template blog and download free blogger template feature like magazine style, ads ready and seo friendly template blog' height='100' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgsWPiDV2TBWTUC689v43wp7GV4UB5Axwo3qLS7m4pKXS-AjurlAes6ZBzovEQFDx7kYQEgiBP9Z7_XPiwLEkgsRnqhlOJ3DbdlnUEWq1PHM0RNEHoEH3C4frgiWyQxCaT20FFfjLpzZvL2/s1600/ireng+ajah.jpg' style='float:left; padding:0' width='100'/></a>

Change the red color with your Blog, ALT IMG and your IMG URL

For description about you or your blog, find this code below

<div class='about'>

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