
Accrebility blogger template. magazine style blogger template. 3 column footer blogger template. download template blogger seo friendly

demo Accrebility blogger template. template blog magazine style. template blog with featured content. template blog 3 column footer. free blogger template seo friendly

download Accrebility blogger template. blog template magazine style. blog template with featured content. blog template 3 column footer. download free seo blogger template

*Updates : Wrong name variable for Blog Title. See at the end of post

**Updates 16 Feb 2012 : JavaScript code for Tabview not works cos too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!. Check at end of post for resolving

Accrebility Blogger Template

Free Accrebility Blogger Template is a magazine style blogger template with elegant design template and dark grain background. It's a blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, magazine style template blogspot, automatic vertical featured content, seo optimized template, ads ready, tabview ready, social widget ready, dropdown menu, default Blogger comment and replay, summary post, and more. This template designed for all type of blogs and compatible with most users browser but for perfect view, use a browser which support CSS3 for box shadow.

This template also support template designer. You can edit the background, font color, font family, font size in template designer but for post title, you must edit the font size direct to HTML. Also remember, this template use a background shadow and if you want to change the background, make sure the color is match.

Similar Templates : Zero Gravity Blogger Template & Enamel Blogger Template

Author and Designer : ireng_ajah - / WordPress Theme 2 Blog

Setting Accrebility Blogger Template

1. Setting Featured Content Slider

a. Small thumbnail
The code look alike this below :
<li class='ui-tabs-nav-item ui-tabs-selected' id='nav-fragment-1'><a href='#fragment-1'><img alt='featured 1' height='45' src='' width='60'/><span>Small Thumbnail Featured Post 1</span></a></li>

Note :
- Green color : replace with your IMG alt
- Blue color : replace with your image url
- red color : replace with short title description

b. Big thumbnail
<div class='ui-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide' id='fragment-1' style=''>
<img alt='featured 1' height='280' src='' width='410'/>
<div class='info'>
<h2><a href=''>Featured Post Title 1</a></h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt...</p>

Note :
- Green color : replace with your IMG alt
- Blue color : replace with your image url
- red color : replace with your link and featured title
- brown color : replace with short description

2. Setting My Networks (Social Setworks)

<li class='google'><a href='' title='Add Our Google+'>Google+</a></li>
<li class='facebook'><a href='' title='Add Our Facebook'>Facebook</a></li>
<li class='twitter'><a href='' title='Follow Our Twitter'>Twitter</a></li>
<li class='rss'><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;' title='RS feed blog'>RSS Feed</a></li>

Change the red color with your social links

3. Setting banner 125*125px

Copy and paste this code for ad 125*125px
<div class='banner'><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="download premium and free wordpress themes with profesional and elegant design" width="125" height="125" /></a></div>

Note :
- red color : replace with your link and featured title
- Blue color : replace with your image url
- Green color : replace with your IMG alt

**Updates 4 February 2012 for Blog title variable
You can change font family, font size also font color for Blog Title in Template Designer but i gave a wrong name variable about That. Group description="Blog Title" > Post Title (Blog Title)
Thank you, Diptesh Thakore™

**Updates 16 February 2012 for Javascript code of Tabview
Find this code
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

And replace with this one
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Contact us or leave a comment if you have any question about this template

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